Tears & A Fat Girl
Did the simplest research ever about 'tears' in wikipedia...its great to know about tears sbb mostly kite ni sumer tau nangis jek kan..(female especially..huhu)..so here's something frm http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tears...
"Tears are a liquid produced by the body's process of lacrimation to clean and lubricate the eyes. The word lacrimation may also be used in a medical or literary sense to refer to crying. Strong emotions, such as sorrow or elation, may lead to crying. Although most land mammals have a lacrimation system to keep their eyes wet, Humans are the only animal generally accepted to cry emotional tears."
Well, Allah jadikan kita manusia sangat sempurna sbb we dont have to 'cry' like other mammals kan..hahaha...but at least,other mammals may cry bcoz of their nature,but human nangis sbb emo..perghh..hate it kan when ur emotion caused of ur tears...bcoz it hurts inside & out..and as for me,i have cried enough kot for this 2007...penat!!...well,ive lost my parents in the same year and i have to go on a tough life pasal benda2 lain jugak...and what else can a fat girl like me boleh buat?menangis laa...hahaha...its best to cry to sleep bcoz its one of a fat girl's way to let out ur feelings & emotion rather than keluar mabuk or do drugs...and in my research ni,tears are also divided into different types tau...huahuahua...if any of u visit the website..u would know...and the tears of a fat girl are mostly from these two types iaitu reflex tears & psychic tears..hahaha...tp tertulis dalam hadis Rasulullah S.A.W: "This (tears) is an expression of the tenderness and compassion, which the Lord hath put into the hearts of His servants. The Lord doth not have compassion on and commiserate with His servants, except such as are tender and full of feeling"...gosh,its so hard being a fat girl but duhh,wlpun depress but at least im living my life to the fullest even though there are certain things yg kdg2 xtau camane nak handle & pikir,tapi insyaAllah,doa xpnh putus..dlm doa tu la tears will fall off mcm air terjun daaa..huhu..to gain strength,u need to work really2 hard & have less high expectations in life...aim tinggi2 pun,kene fikir mampu ke x kite nak capai...as a fat girl,ppl can always tell u to always have confidence & be proud of urself...but mmg susah sebenarnye...n most of d time,nangis sbb benda yg useless...fat girls can b very very dumb & stupid & slh express the tenderness yg dimaksudkan dalam hadis Rasulullah S.A.W...perghh..its hard la..but tah,insyaAllah,i'll try my very best to control my tears...wasted it byk sgt dah..and in order to control it & gain self-confidence,i did this quiz & trying to lose weight sket...huhuhu...pray 4 me so dat i can gain strength!!!...huhuhu...and i also did take diet menu frm ayang hussein's myspace...
well,i guess i have to do it jugak kan for myself satisfaction before i meet arwah mama...n i really hope i can succeed...tired of being a fat girl with tears...heh...but yeah,life must go on & always be thankful with whatever Allah have set & gave u...Alhamdulillah alhamdulillah alhamdulillah... =)
"Tears are a liquid produced by the body's process of lacrimation to clean and lubricate the eyes. The word lacrimation may also be used in a medical or literary sense to refer to crying. Strong emotions, such as sorrow or elation, may lead to crying. Although most land mammals have a lacrimation system to keep their eyes wet, Humans are the only animal generally accepted to cry emotional tears."
Well, Allah jadikan kita manusia sangat sempurna sbb we dont have to 'cry' like other mammals kan..hahaha...but at least,other mammals may cry bcoz of their nature,but human nangis sbb emo..perghh..hate it kan when ur emotion caused of ur tears...bcoz it hurts inside & out..and as for me,i have cried enough kot for this 2007...penat!!...well,ive lost my parents in the same year and i have to go on a tough life pasal benda2 lain jugak...and what else can a fat girl like me boleh buat?menangis laa...hahaha...its best to cry to sleep bcoz its one of a fat girl's way to let out ur feelings & emotion rather than keluar mabuk or do drugs...and in my research ni,tears are also divided into different types tau...huahuahua...if any of u visit the website..u would know...and the tears of a fat girl are mostly from these two types iaitu reflex tears & psychic tears..hahaha...tp tertulis dalam hadis Rasulullah S.A.W: "This (tears) is an expression of the tenderness and compassion, which the Lord hath put into the hearts of His servants. The Lord doth not have compassion on and commiserate with His servants, except such as are tender and full of feeling"...gosh,its so hard being a fat girl but duhh,wlpun depress but at least im living my life to the fullest even though there are certain things yg kdg2 xtau camane nak handle & pikir,tapi insyaAllah,doa xpnh putus..dlm doa tu la tears will fall off mcm air terjun daaa..huhu..to gain strength,u need to work really2 hard & have less high expectations in life...aim tinggi2 pun,kene fikir mampu ke x kite nak capai...as a fat girl,ppl can always tell u to always have confidence & be proud of urself...but mmg susah sebenarnye...n most of d time,nangis sbb benda yg useless...fat girls can b very very dumb & stupid & slh express the tenderness yg dimaksudkan dalam hadis Rasulullah S.A.W...perghh..its hard la..but tah,insyaAllah,i'll try my very best to control my tears...wasted it byk sgt dah..and in order to control it & gain self-confidence,i did this quiz & trying to lose weight sket...huhuhu...pray 4 me so dat i can gain strength!!!...huhuhu...and i also did take diet menu frm ayang hussein's myspace...
You Should Weigh 160 |
![]() If you weigh less than this, you either have a fast metabolism or are about to gain weight. If you weigh more than this, you may be losing a few pounds soon! |
well,i guess i have to do it jugak kan for myself satisfaction before i meet arwah mama...n i really hope i can succeed...tired of being a fat girl with tears...heh...but yeah,life must go on & always be thankful with whatever Allah have set & gave u...Alhamdulillah alhamdulillah alhamdulillah... =)
sabar la dear..bulat pon ade title'fat girl' tu..dan bulat bawak title tu dr dulu smpai la skrg.ape yg truk nye,bulat takot nak terima yang diri ni mcmtu..malu ngn diri sendiri..kecewe..x konfiden nak wat pape..air mate??jgn cakap la..klau tadah da rase nak cukup untuk wat swimmin pool..dan bulat penah rase nak bunuh diri sbb bnd2 mcmni..kdg2 bile bulat tgk,x salah jadi 'a fat girl' sbb kite x saket, kite hepi..tapi bile wujudnye makhluk2 yg x puas ati ngan kite..suke kutuk,suke tgk len macam,suke ketawekan kite..tu yg kite sndr x suke ape yg kite ade..diowg suppose tau yg org spt bulat ni sgt sensitif..tapi makhluk2 ni da rase diri dia perfect sgt..so x penah nak pk perasaan org lain..
actly dulu bulat punye berat almost 100..mmg montel..xkisah sbnrnye..tapi bile dak2 laki kat sekolah slalu gelak,slalau wat bulat bahan ketawe diowg..mmg down sgt2.then bulat amik langkah rush diet..dlm mase stahun. dr 99kg bole trun 64kg..mase tu bulat kuwus jgk..tapi comel2 je..mase tu ramai la yg suke ramai la yg nak kawan..plz!!!go to hell.korg x layak..hehehehe.mase tu puas nye dapat balas dendam..tapi azab diet nye..MasyaALLAH..sekse..Now, da x diet sgt..berat pon naek balik..tapi oke2 je..mls nak mcm dulu..Alhamdullillah ALLAH bg bulat someone jadi bua ati bulat..Dia syg bulat seadanya..dan mmg suke owg2 chubby ni..hehehe tapi dalam2 happy tu pon, nanges jugak sebab owg skeliling suke pandang sinis.."ish awek ko x cantek la, ish awek ko gemok la" bongok..diowg slalu ganggu hdup owg lain..knp?? so rase nye bagi makhluk2 yang x berhati perot tu..stop2 la.try bg nasihat yg membantu..bkn mngutuk,mngherdik ataupon gelak kotor korg tu.. kiteorg yg comel2 ni deserve idup kat dunia ni dgn happy jugak..so i akan sokong u dr blkg..dan doakan nona cici berjaya..AMIN. BULAT~
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